Ruby offers several code documentation specifications like RDoc, YARD, and TomDoc. Personally, I prefer YARD for its flexibility and rich feature set.
Getting Started with YARD
You can document your Ruby code using YARD by following a specific syntax. For example:
class Person
# Greets a person
# @param [String] name the name of the person
# @return [String] the greeting
def greet(name)
"Hello #{name}"
Installation and Usage
Install the YARD gem using:
gem install yard
To generate documentation, run:
yard doc person.rb
This generates a documentation site in the doc directory. You can preview it locally using:
yard server
Since the documentation consists of static HTML files, you can host it on any web server.
YARD Cheatsheet
I created a cheatsheet of all YARD tags:
# Represents a generic document in a document management system.
# @abstract
# @author John Doe
# @since 1.0.0
# @deprecated Use NewDocument instead.
class Document
# @!attribute [r] title
# @return [String]
attr_reader :title
# @!attribute [w] description
# @return [String]
attr_writer :description
# @!attribute [rw] sections
# @api private
# @return [Array<Section>]
attr_accessor :sections
# Initializes a new Document instance.
# @note This method should be called with care.
# @param [String] title the title of the document
# @param [String] description the description of the document
# @param [Hash] options additional configuration options
# @option options [Boolean] :editable whether the document can be edited
# @yieldparam [String] content The content of the document.
# @yieldreturn [String] Returns a modified content.
# @raise [ArgumentError] if the title is nil
# @return [Document] a new Document instance
def initialize(title, description, options = {})
raise ArgumentError, "Title cannot be nil" unless title
@title = title
@description = description
@editable = options.fetch(:editable, true)
@content = yield(content) if block_given?
# Edits the document content.
# @overload edit(new_content)
# @param [String] new_content the new content for the document
# @return [Boolean] true if editing was successful, false otherwise
# @overload edit
# @yield Gives a block to process the current content.
# @yieldreturn [String] Returns the new content after processing.
# @return [Boolean] true if editing was successful, false otherwise
# @deprecated Use `modify` method instead.
def edit(new_content = nil)
if new_content
@content = new_content
elsif block_given?
@content = yield(@content)
# @todo Implement a proper save mechanism
def save
# Implementation pending
# Views the document
# @example Viewing the document title
# document.view_title #=> "Sample Document"
# @see #edit
# @return [String] the title of the document
def view_title
It is available as a gist.
Custom Tags in YARD
YARD supports .yardopts for custom configuration, including custom tags. I use this to document Rails controller actions:
--tag url
--tag action
Example usage in a Rails controller:
class DocumentsController < ApplicationController
# @url /documents
# @action GET
# List all documents.
def index
@documents = Document.all
# @url /documents/:id
# @action GET
# Show a single document.
def show
@document = Document.find(params[:id])
Since params is not explicitly passed as an argument, you cannot use @param
and @option
to document them. One of the method that the YARD author suggests to document these methods is to use @overload
# @overload show(params)
# @param params [Hash]
# @option params [String] :id the id of the document
def show
@document = Document.find(params[:id])
YARD in VSCode
VSCode has a YARD extension that provides auto-completion for YARD tags. You can generate documentation for a method by placing the cursor at the end of its definition and pressing Ctrl+Alt+Enter
(or Option+Command+Enter
on macOS).
For example, with the cursor anywhere on this line:
def foo(name, baz = false) # <- put cursor at any place of this line
The extension generates:
# <Description>
# @param [<Type>] name <description>
# @param [<Type>] baz <description>
# @return [<Type>] <description>
def foo(name, baz = false)
YARD is a powerful tool for documenting Ruby code. Whether you're working on a small project or a large codebase, using YARD improves code readability and maintainability.
Happy documenting!